Okay, let's talk about tears and pains.
I'm not kidding you. I'm sure of this. You will one day cry. But are you afraid to cry? You will not die just by crying anyway. As a matter of fact, it is healthy to cry and shed tears. This is one way to cleanse your eyes. Just imagine a world where no eyes that shed tears, and no hearts that cry, it's a little bit boring.
Are you in love? If so, prepare yourself for tears and pains that will surely come.
I'm not kidding you. I'm sure of this. You will one day cry. But are you afraid to cry? You will not die just by crying anyway. As a matter of fact, it is healthy to cry and shed tears. This is one way to cleanse your eyes. Just imagine a world where no eyes that shed tears, and no hearts that cry, it's a little bit boring. I even dare say that a crying heart is a healthy heart.
People who have heart problems are not supposed to cry. Neither can they be happy since it's not good for them. It's really good to cry. So you better cry now or get bored in your love life. Of course, I'm not serious.
On the other hand, if you're in love now, I mean at this very moment, then you must be happy. In fact, you might be smiling in reading this part. That's a wonderful feeling, isn't it? And this is the reason why it is really sweet to taste love, especially if it is your first time. However, as I gave you a warning earlier, it is also painful to cry out of love. And if you're not prepared for this, your heart will be broken...
By the way, I would just like to correct what I said a while ago, that your heart will be broken. No, it will not be broken. If you're really in love, no matter how painful the feeling may be, your heart will only bend and not break. Remember a famous song that has this theme? I like that song very much. So what is the secret then for your heart not to be broken by love and so you will not be brokenhearted, only benthearted? It is actually the love that's true. If your love is real, then you will be strong enough to bear all the pains and cry all the tears but after all these, your heart will only bend. Convinced?
One quotation of love I like most says, "love expressed is love at its best." I could not anymore remember where did I get this. But it's not mine as I've said, it is only one favorite quotation of mine. So take love in that way, crying, shedding tears, experiencing pains and even being taken for granted, this is all expressions of love. But when you're true and sincere, your heart will never be broken into pieces. So keep it that way. Keep your love always true and you're unbreakable. Again,
when love is true, it wont break your heart only bend it.
Once, bent, you can always make it straight again. Good luck to all benthearted out there. Keep it up.
In conclusion, let me just tell you one more thing, in any relationship you may have, there is a need for honesty. This is for sure not new idea. Many books have been written on this theme. And I bet, you will agree with me when I say that the more honest one becomes to his or her partner, the more mature their relationship becomes also. So what is my point here? Simple, when an honest heart is bent every time it feels pains, it only matures and gets stronger. Unlike metals such as iron, steel, bronze, and the like that weaken when bent more than once, an honest heart just gathers more strength when bent often. Of course, I'm not suggesting that you purposely bend your heart. I'm just talking about an honest and sincere heart here and I have explained already what it means. Thank you for reading this far.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the photo used on this post, due credits go to the owner.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the photo used on this post, due credits go to the owner.
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