Unusual Signs of LOVE

       Undeniably true, but people tend to like things they are used to do. Even if, at times, it may bring some kind of boredom to them. It is because, when things are common, very familiar, in other words the usual things in a day-to-day experience, one does not need to adjust every time. And so it is as well true with love, people who are in love tend to see love in a very usual way, perhaps with usual signs.    

           With this blog, I want to do away with signs that are common when talking about how to know if the feeling is real love or not. This is where these signs will come into the scene.

Lovers look for signs to be sure of their feelings.

Well, maybe because as commonly believed, it is really painful when love fails. It is therefore practical that before making decisions pertaining to love, one has to have as many signs as possible. With this in mind, I have decided to share with you what I believe are unusual signs of love. Just bear in mind however, these are just my personal views:

            Feeling sleepy. When one is sleepy and the feeling of sleepiness is uncontrollable, this is a sign of lack of sleep. Maybe due to a long night of spending time together without sleep, and so both the girl and the guy would be exhausted. If these two hearts are not in love with each other, they would not have spent the night without sleep. This love however, is not mature. A mature love knows the perfect timing when two lovers are supposed to spend time together. Are you always feeling sleepy? You better find time to have some sleep. Or best, give yourself a break, be mature.

            Feeling hungry. Because of being so in love with each other, two lovers will always be concerned with being together. Not a single moment is ever wasted. It's a feeling of eternity, as if time has ended, so much so that this ecstatic cloud nine moment will result to not realizing the importance of mealtime. I remember a song that says it is love that will keep two hungry lovers alive (I just love that song). If you are this kind, I strongly suggest, you make it a point that you and your special someone spend the time together on a dinning table, so you're always reminded of your meal schedule. 

               Feeling tired. This one is very much related to feeling hungry. Of course, if one skips mealtime, no doubt he or she will be hungry sooner or later. Another possible factor for hunger is the fact that there is no food. Well, since there is no time to cook their food, these two lovers will just keep their eyes fixed on each other until they spend all their energies and at the end of the day, they will be very very hungry. This is not mature love. As a matter of fact, this is a dying love due to exhaustion.

               Feeling sick. As the situation worsens, it's not just tiredness due to hunger that two lovers will be experiencing. It is now getting sick even. This is according to chronological order by the way, and this one is hopefully the last part, after which these two lovers would realize that they just need to grow and mature in their relationship. When prevented however, this sickness will be a turning point for love to gain new energies to spend for another sleepless nights, without food, and as a result, to get hungry, to get tired and to get sick again and same cycle repeats if no maturity is achieved.

             What about for mature love? What are the signs of a healthy relationship with mature love that keeps two lovers growing? This love must have passed all those signs enumerated above. This is a kind of love that is prepared to take all the challenges life can offer. This love is committed and is willing to sacrifice for the sake of the beloved. There is only one possible sign and the rest are just but expressions of this love -- a heart that keeps on beating, in other words, a beating heart. This heart sometimes feels bored. Maybe because the feeling has already matured and it has passed the infatuation stage of a relationship. But in spite of the boredom, this heart just keeps on beating for love beyond the level of emotion for it is now committed to face everything. If you're feeling bored now in your relationship, work harder, for your love is already starting to mature.

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the photos used on this post, due credits go to the owners.
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About Dyo Chua

Hi. I am a singer-songwriter and a freelance blogger too. I really appreciate you for visiting my blog site. To connect with me, you can subscribe to my
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