LOVE is not God

        It is true that God is love. This is very inspiring to realize, especially to us who believe in God. Perhaps, this is the reason why we often if not always, strive to be loving persons since it is an expression of our faith. Even when we do not fully understand this mystery, as believers of God, it is love that keeps us moving in life in spite of difficult moments and challenging stages we have to face. Every opportunity to love even when suffering goes with it is an encounter of this God we believe in. Sometimes, questions are asked, disappointments are experienced, but in the midst of all uncertainties, there is always hope that at the end of the day, after all that has been said and done, there is a reason to be happy, there is always a good reason to love.


But love is not God. Love is not always as powerful as God.

It is never divine in nature. This is the reason why there are lovers who failed. Because they thought that love is all their source of strength. Yes, St. Paul once said that love never fails, but it is relation to God and not just for the sake of love itself. Love is not perfect if it is not in the power of God. The theology that God is love is only true when taken from the viewpoint of faith. It is therefore faith that makes us believe in the love that God has for each one of us, his children.

              However, if it is indeed true that God is love, why do people whom God loves so much sometimes lose their faith in the power of love? Is it because of the fact that love is not enough when imperfect beings, human beings, rely only on its power rather than on God? Like for example, if a father who loves his child so much and because of this he is willing to lose even his faith in God, who seems not to be affected by his prayers, struggles to overcome the challenge his child is facing, (you can use your imagination here what the child's condition is) just end up losing hope.  All he could see is despair.

              Indeed love is not divine. Love alone cannot make miracles. It is however, very hard to understand that God is love if people who believe in his love are not able to experience it in any life situations. One does not only need to believe. This believing should be given a concrete expression of love, and God should be responsible to make this happen. Not able to concretely experience this inseparability between God and love, a human heart will just find itself so weak to keep the faith. It is not the responsibility of a weak, imperfect heart to comprehend the mystery of God as love. It is rather God’s duty to enlighten a blinded heart to realize that God is indeed love. If this weak, imperfect heart fails, it is just but acceptable, precisely because it is imperfect. But when it is God who fails to make this imperfect human heart loves as God expects it to, no one is to blame but God himself. But it is impossible for God to fail because he is perfect. In other words, it is never a possibility that love will fail if it is from God. Love may not be divine, but it will always be perfect when it is from God.

                 So, is God love? Yes. Is love god? No. 

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the photos used on this post, due credits go to the owners.
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